Monday, May 11, 2015

Week 6 - Explore. Build. Dominate.

Source: Dynamic PowerPoint Presentation

As I gain experience as a teacher, I increasingly find that I need to take care of my own professional and personal development. Using technology in my teaching is one of the specialist interest I am currently focused on and this online course, Building Teaching Skills Through the Interactive Web is helping me a lot as it obviously strengthens and deepens my teaching abilities. 

My own impression is that the course content is getting more and more serious, sophisticated and the pressure of approaching the course project is here. Big responsibility on our shoulders! Correct me if I am wrong!

I could describe this week as a totally broadening experience...we have  had so much to experiment and to put into practice...I have found the optional reading resources particularly interesting and very, very resourceful. The choice of new online resources has been almost overwhelming for me. I have never thought PowerPoint has so many interesting interactive features: ConceptTests, QuickWrite, hyperlinks, blank slides, Jeopardy games / interactive stories.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Rolanda,

    I totally agree with you, we have been taken to another level of teaching in a very subtle way. This will definitely enhance our teaching skills.
    I’m also worried about the outcome of my final, it has become a challenge, and now I’m more convinced about the need of broadening my technology skills.

    Keep up the great work!
