Thursday, April 16, 2015

Week 2 - "Education is inoculation against disruption."

                                        Robin Sharma, writer, motivational speaker, leadership expert and Canadian lawyer

This week had a brilliant start for me, although the current course development has been pretty intense and demanding, with a hands-on approach on  lengthy materials that required careful filtering.  It all began with a wonderful sense of achievement  that I must confess I experienced after having published my first ever blog post. Due to getting tons of constructive feedback from both course colleagues and our online instructor, Mrs. Donna Shaw,  I magically and rigorously boiled down this week's resources to three equally divided reading sessions. I  went through the immense search engine lists, all arranged according to precise educational research interests and I restricted myself  to searching for inquiry based learning using military webques. From this moment onward, it definitely becomes easier for me to choose the most appropriate search engine for the teaching resources I develop my courses on.


Getting deeper into this week's second major topic, the design of coherent and concise behavioral objectives based on Benjamin Bloom's taxonomy, I need to highlight the fact that instrumenting pedagogical concepts is a key aspect of the teacher trainings that we, as language teachers,  benefit from in Romania. 
The carrier path in my country requires on-the-job teachers to achieve three professional levels or didactic degrees in teaching, i.e. the definitive degree, the didactic degree II and the didactic degree I. The higher the professional degree, the higher the esteem and formal recognition within the Romanian education system. After having passed the didactic degree II with  maximum score, I am now off to achieving the highest one in August 2017. Therefore, continuing professional development asks for constant updates on the latest methodological trends.


Please see the following activity as fun way of briefly reviewing this week's resources. I hope the word hints are clear enough for you to quickly sort out the puzzle I created especially for you on a great, easy to use online resource. Enjoy it!

3. Under what circumstances or context will the learning occur?
7. Objectives pertaining to attitudes, appreciations, values and emotions.
8. Who are your learners?
1. Student performance evaluation.
2. What do you expect learners to be able to do?
3. Objectives related to information or knowledge.
4. Objectives that require basic motor skills and/or physical movement such as construct, kick or ski.
5. Method of classification on differing levels of higher order thinking
6. How much will be accomplished?

Mind Map

Instead of concluding this post, I am leaving you with my recent mind map which  you will hopefully enjoy as much as I do!

With respect and tones of great wishes!
Rolanda OSMAN


  1. Dear Rolanda,

    Your post is great, I liked the puzzle. Learning about the teachers' professional levels in Romania is very informative. Thank you for this great post.

    Warm regards,

    Aysun Güneş

  2. Hi Rolanda,

    Love your post! You were very detailed. Reading about the professional development levels in your country was an eye opener. I only hope that I would be able to follow in your footsteps in my own professional development. All the best in your final didactic degree! :D



    1. Thank you, Evette, for your considerate remarks!

  3. Dear Rolanda,
    I can not express my delight with your blog.
    I have to point out that online puzzle is just great.
    Look forward to your future posts.

    1. Nigora,
      I greatly appreciate your comments! If you do like my puzzle, I warmly suggest it as a great classroom tool. The best sites that could help in designing them are and

  4. Hello Rolanda,

    Thanks for sharing your blog and all the fun things you can do!

    Loved the crossword!

